8 Simple Family-Friendly Ways to Enjoy Spring in NYC

Before you know it, the world will burst into the vibrant colors of spring, inviting families to explore the outdoors and make memories together. Why not plan ahead and make the most of it? Here are eight family-friendly activities to enjoy spring in NYC and beyond!

1. Take a Trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden

We would be remiss if we didn’t start out with one of NYC’s best outdoor attractions. The blooming of spring cherry blossoms will keep you mesmerized by the vibrant colors and fragrant scents. The Garden also hosts Discovery Workshops for children. These memorable experiences make learning about plants and nature a unique interactive adventure.

The ‘Spring First Discoveries’ program runs from March 13th to June 14th and gives small children the opportunity to pot a plant, make crafts, and more!

2. Make Bird Feeders For The Backyard

Crafting DIY bird feeders is a delightful and educational springtime activity that brings families closer to nature. Using simple materials like pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed, you can create enticing treats for your feathered friends. This engaging process not only sparks children’s creativity but also introduces them to the joys of bird watching.

Hanging these homemade feeders in your garden or on a balcony invites a variety of birds, offering a window into the natural world. It’s a perfect blend of fun, learning, and environmental stewardship packed into one simple activity.

3. Host an Outdoor Movie Night

Gathering around the TV to watch your favorite flick is always a great idea, but the nicer weather of spring provides a special opportunity to move the party outdoors! Grab a projector, a blank wall, or a screen, and your family’s favorite film to create an unforgettable experience.

Set the scene with comfortable blankets, bean bags, and lawn chairs—and maybe even add some string lights for a magical ambiance. Grab some popcorn – or if you want to kick it up a notch – consider setting up a popcorn bar with different seasonings and toppings for an extra special treat. The great outdoors adds a special element of adventure to family movie night, making it more than just a movie—it becomes a night to remember.

4. Spend an Afternoon at Coney Island

Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

As Brooklyn’s beloved amusement park, Coney Island has been a staple of entertainment for decades. With rides and games for all ages, it’s a place where families can enjoy the thrill of roller coasters, the taste of cotton candy, and the joy of boardwalk games.

The beach also offers a relaxing spot for building sandcastles and dipping toes into the ocean, making it the perfect destination for families. The 2024 season officially kicks off on March 23rd, so be sure to drop by if you can! 

5. Fly a Kite in the Park

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Spring is the ideal season to introduce kids to the wonders of wind dynamics, and what better way to do so than through the joy of kite flying? Selecting the perfect kite and mastering its flight under the vast blue sky offers a rewarding experience for participants of all ages.

For those searching for the ultimate kite-flying destination in New York City, the expansive green fields of Central Park are unmatched. Alternatively, taking the ferry from Brooklyn to Governors Island not only presents stunning views of the Manhattan skyline but also promises exceptional airtime, thanks to the strong sea breezes that sweep through the harbor.

6. Visit a Local Farm for a Fun Educational Experience

Springtime in NYC offers the perfect opportunity for families to embrace nature by visiting the Queens County Farm Museum in Floral Park. This historic farm, one of New York State’s longest continuously farmed sites, comes to life with baby animals, hayrides, and the chance to pick your own fruits and vegetables. It’s a hands-on experience that educates children about farming, sustainability, and the origins of their food in an engaging way.

Beyond agriculture, the farm hosts seasonal events that promise fun for the whole family, making it an ideal escape to nature without leaving the city.

7. Plant a Butterfly Garden

Gardening is a rewarding activity that beautifies your outdoor space. More importantly, it serves as an invaluable educational experience for children, teaching them about the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem. By selecting a sunny spot in your yard and planting butterfly-attracting flowers like milkweed (essential for monarch caterpillars!), fragrant lavender, and colorful zinnias, you create a vibrant sanctuary for these beautiful insects.

This hands-on project can spark discussions about the different stages of a butterfly’s life cycle, from egg to caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly, offering kids a firsthand look at metamorphosis.

8. Organize a Family Bike Rally

A Family Bike Rally is a fantastic way to promote physical fitness and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. You can design a fun and engaging route that winds through scenic areas, with designated stops for snacks, water, and perhaps even some educational points of interest. Along the way, share laughs over picnic-style refreshments and make lasting memories under the open sky. It’s an excellent opportunity for both children and adults to appreciate the joys of nature and stay physically active.


The Dream Factory Brooklyn is dedicated to uplifting our local community, with a particular focus on its youngest members. Our mission is to make the dreams of children facing serious and long-term illnesses come true, providing them with the hope and resilience required to battle and triumph over their ailments.

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